What are political bets and who offers them? Many gamblers who have a passion for betting are reluctant to always settle for just sports. After all, not everyone who enjoys betting is automatically a sports fan. Some gamblers are registered with bookmakers and also regularly position various bets there, but this does not mean that they place bets on sporting events by any means. Many bettors have discovered their penchant for the so-called politics bets in recent years and months. However, since this genre is still unknown territory for most sports bettors, we have taken a closer look at politics betting and its providers and provide important tips and advice below.

Politics betting is generally based on the same principle as sports betting. The bookmaker sets odds for a certain political event and the bettor then positions his bet. The odds indicate how likely the bookmaker thinks the event is to occur. The lower the odds, the higher the probability.
Political bets are offered by bookmakers far less frequently than sports bets, which is due on the one hand to the long running times of the bets and on the other hand to the relatively low number of participants. Unfortunately, many people are not very interested in political events anyway, and when they affect other countries, only a few players feel like betting their money. Examples of political bets include future presidential elections in the USA or other countries, or important political decisions that are about to be made in individual parliaments.
The main attraction of politics betting is that bookmakers usually only look at the current projections, but these only in a few cases actually correspond to the later election results. In addition, politics betting is worthwhile for all those who position their bets very early, as the odds can change drastically later on.
Which providers can be recommended for politics betting: As already mentioned, not all bookmakers have politics betting or other special bets permanently in their offer. However, there are some providers that always make a special effort to present their customers with the best possible entertainment program and it is precisely these bookmakers that always have one or another politics bet on offer.
Bet365 is one of the bookmakers that have not only made a name for themselves in terms of sports betting, but have also had politics bets and other special bets in their portfolio for quite some time. Customers are extremely grateful for this, which is also noticeable in the odds.
bwin also regularly offers politics bets of various kinds. Just currently, various parliamentary elections and presidential elections are on offer.
Sportingbet only has a smaller selection to offer in terms of political betting, but for all those who would like to try out political betting for the first time, this provider can definitely be recommended.